Flyer Database

Flyer Manufacturer Year Comments
Bloody China/Wild Schütz Geiger 1980 3 Games-Bloody China/Wild Schütz/Stellar Airship, German conversion kits
Wagon Train Gottlieb 1960 1 player with score reels, Roto-target, No gobble holes
Walking Dead Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2014 Limited edition flyer
Walking Dead Premium Edition Stern Pinball 2014 Premium edition flyer
Walking Dead Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2014 Pro version flyer
Walkyria, Punky Willy Joctronic 1986 'Punky Willy' is a copy of Premier's 1985 'Rock'
Wall Street Bally 1974 Bingo machine
War Fascination 1978 Cocktail table, Contract built by Allied Leisure
Warlok, Defender Williams 1982 Williams portfolio of innovative pinball and video games
Watch My Line Gottlieb 1951 Likely a reference to the TV quiz show "What's My Line"
Waterworld Gottlieb 1995 Motion picture tie-in, Multi-ball, Sink the Deez!
West Club Rally 1967 Also produced in an Italian add-a-ball version
West Show A.M.I 1976 The backglass is a near copy of Gottlieb's 1975 'Quick Draw'
Western/Rally Dama S.R.L. 1970 Italian conversion kits. Western is a conversion kit for Gottlieb's 'Subway'
Wheel Maresa 0 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 10 drop targets, 1 vari-target, 1 spinning disk
Wheel Of Fortune Stern Pinball 2007 Mechanical spinning wheel on playfield, 3 'bobble head' contestants
Whirl Wind Gottlieb 1957 2 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 2 gobble holes, Roto-target
Whirlwind Williams 1990 Fan on top of backbox blows air, 3 whirlwind spinners, The cellar
White Force Unidesa/Cirsa/Stargame 1987 3 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 4-bank drop target, 1 solitary drop target
White Shark Bell Coin Matics 1980 Conversion kit, Similar playfield as Bally's 1978 'Playboy'
White Water Williams 1993 Upper mini-playfield, Animated Bigfoot turns head & diverts ball
Who Dunnit Bally 1995 3 wheel slot machine toy on playfield
Who Dunnit Bally 1995 German version flyer
Whoa Nellie Stern Pinball 2015 Retro style E.M design with modern parts
Whoopee Williams 1964 Two kickers direct balls to the center 'captive ball unit'
The Wiggler Bally 1967 3 ball multi-ball, Zipper flippers, Wiggle alley, Mushroom bumpers
Wild Card Sega/Japan 1977 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Wild Card Williams 1977 'Wild Card' is the last single-player EM game made by this manufacturer
Wild Fyre Stern Electronics 1978 This game uses the same ROMs as Stern's 1979 'Dracula'
Wild Fyre Stern Electronics 1978 2 sided flyer with distributor list on back
Wild Life Gottlieb 1972 2 player version of Gottlieb's 1972 'Jungle'
Wild West Gottlieb 1951 Similar drop target as 'Minstrel Man', 'V' gate between flippers
Wild Wheels Bally 1966 A special version was produced for Germany
Wild Wild West Gottlieb 1969 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1969 'Lariat'
Willy Wonka Collectors Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2019 Collectors edition flyer
Willy Wonka Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2019 Limited edition flyer
Win A Card Alben 1961 The playfield is a copy of Gottlieb's 1960 'Wagon Train'
Wing Ding Williams 1964 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1964 'Zig Zag'
Winner Midway 1964 Pitch-n-bat, Same backbox animation as Midway's 1963 'Race Way'
Winner Sega/Japan 1971 Japanese flyer, Original game design
Winner Williams 1972 Widebody, Turret shooter, Mechanical horse race under plexiglas playfield
Winter Sports Zaccaria 1978 4 player solid state version of Zaccaria's 1978 'Ski Jump'
Wipe Out Gottlieb 1993 Race the slalom, Ride the chair lift
Wipe Out Gottlieb 1993 Japanese version distributed by SAMMY
Wipe Out Gottlieb 1993 German version flyer
Wisconsin United 1948 The first flipper game made by United
Wishing Well Gottlieb 1955 Only Gottlieb with a pressboard wood cabinet instead of plywood
Wizard Bally 1975 Inspired by the 1975 movie 'Tommy' with Roger Daltry and Ann Margret
Wizard Of Oz Jersey Jack Pinball 2013 Distributed in the U.K by Pinball Heaven
Wizard Of Oz 75th Anniversary L.E Jersey Jack Pinball 2014 Ruby red trim, grey background
Wizard Of Oz 75th Anniversary L.E Jersey Jack Pinball 2014 Ruby red trim, black background
Wizard Of Oz 75th L.E Red Jersey Jack Pinball 2014 KingPin Games version flyer
Wizard Of Oz Deed Jersey Jack Pinball 2013 Deed of title
Wizard Of Oz L.E Yellow Brick Road Jersey Jack Pinball 2019 Limited edition version with yellow trim
Wizard Of Oz Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2013 Horizontal flyer with emerald green trim
Wizard Of Oz Postcard Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 Postcard, Jack has been bringing home the fun!
Wizard Of Oz Standard Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2013 Horizontal flyer with stainless steel trim
Wolf Man Peyper 1987 Round knobs allow player to move the playfield forward, backward, left & right
Woman Lib Sega/Japan 1977 Japanese flyer, Original game design
Wonderland Williams 1955 2 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, Kick-out hole, Gobble hole
Wood's Queen Zaccaria 1976 Italian version, Produced in 1, 2 and 4 player versions
World Beauties Gottlieb 1959 2 working flippers with 8 stationary flippers used as ball guides
World Challenge Soccer Gottlieb 1994 Playfield similar to Premier's 1991 'Car Hop'
World Champ Gottlieb 1957 1 gobble hole, Produced with both a wooden or metal coin door
World Cup Williams 1978 Soccer legend Kyle Rote Jr. on cover
World Cup Williams 1978 Version without Kyle Rote Jr. on cover
World Cup Williams 1978 French version with soccer legend Michel Platini
World Cup 90 Mr. Game 1990 Small video monitor in backbox, Unique cabinet
World Cup Soccer Bally 1994 Rotating soccer ball, Motorized moving goalie, Magna-Lock near left flipper
World Cup Soccer Bally 1994 German version flyer
World Cup Soccer Bally 1994 Single sided "doggie" version flyer
World Defender Nuova Bell Games 1985 Inspired by the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie 'Terminator'
World Fair Gottlieb 1964 Playfield "Spin-disc" spots any 1 of 11 numbered cars on backglass
World Poker Tour Stern Pinball 2006 Based on the hit television series featuring Texas hold 'em
World Series Chicago Coin 1974 Pitch-n-bat in a video game style cabinet
World Series Chicago Coin 1960 Rebound shuffleboard game, Backglass light animation (men running bases)
World Series Gottlieb 1972 Postcard, Add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1972 'Grand Slam'
World Series 1962 Williams 1962 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Wrestlemania Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2015 Limited edition flyer
Wrestlemania Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2015 Pro version flyer
Wrestlemania Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2015 Chinese version flyer
WWF Royal Rumble Data East 1994 Widebody, WWF Wrestling, Shaker motor
WWF Royal Rumble Data East 1994 German version flyer