Flyer Database

Flyer Manufacturer Year Comments
Baby Doll Segasa 1975 Similar to Williams 1975 'Satin Doll'
Baby Pacman Bally 1982 Combination of a scaled down pinball machine and a video game
Baby Pacman Bally 1982 AMOA flyer
Back To The Future Data East 1990 Michael J. Fox did not allow his likeness to appear on the game
Back To The Future Data East 1990 German version flyer
Bad Cats Williams 1989 Backbox animation (woman hits cat with broom), Spinning mystery wheel
Bad Girls Gottlieb 1988 Unique speech card used in this game; only says the word 'bad'
Bad Girls Gottlieb 1988 German version flyer
Ball Park Bally 1960 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Ball Park Williams 1968 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Ballerina Bally 1948 Same playfield layout as Bally's 1948 'Melody'
Balls A Poppin Bally 1956 First game to feature 6 ball multi-ball
Bally Hoo Bally 1969 Bally's 1st with an Up-post between flippers and new 3" jumbo flippers
Band Leader Keeney 1949 Pressing either flipper button operates both flippers simultaneously
Band Wagon Bally 1965 A version was also produced for export to Germany
Band Wagon Williams 1955 New instantaneous player change-over mechanism
Bang Bang Petaco 1974 2 player version of Recel's 1974 'The Fiery 30's'
Bank A Ball Gottlieb 1950 The last game to use the turret shooter feature
Bank A Ball Gottlieb 1965 Replay version of 'Flipper Pool', Introduced return lanes
Bank Shot Gottlieb 1976 Postcard, Add-a-ball version of 'Sure Shot', Italian version is 'Spot Pool'
Banzai Run Williams 1988 A magnet lifts the ball in play to the vertical playfield in the backbox
Barb Wire Gottlieb 1996 The last machine produced by Gottlieb
Barb Wire Gottlieb 1996 German version flyer, Distributed by Tuning
Barnacle Bill Gottlieb 1948 Gottlieb went from 6 flippers on Humpty Dumpty to 4, Popeye look-a-like?
Barracora Williams 1981 Name was changed from Barracuda to the more feminine Barracora
Barry O's BBQ Challenge American Pinball 2024 Barry Oursler's final design commemorating his 46-year career in game design
Baseball Gottlieb 1970 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1970 'Batter Up'
Baseball Champ Chicago Coin 1973 Pitch-n-bat, Upright cabinet
Basehit Williams 1967 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Basketball Gottlieb 1949 Backbox animation (cheerleader does somersault as points are scored)
Bat A Ball Munves 1983 Pitch-n-bat, Ball is delivered down a ramp, Gun handle controls bat
Bat A Score H.C Evans 1948 Pitch-n-bat, Manikin pitcher, batter and catcher
Batman Data East 1991 First use of the BSMT-2000 (Brian Schmidt Music Technology) Sound System
Batman Data East 1991 German version flyer
Batman 66 Crime Fighters Form Stern Pinball 2017 Crime fighters update flyer
Batman 66 Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2017 Limited edition flyer
Batman 66 Premium Edition Stern Pinball 2017 Premium edition flyer
Batman 66 Premium Edition Stern Pinball 2017 Chinese version flyer
Batman 66 Super Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2017 Super limited edition flyer
Batman Forever Sega 1995 Batwing ball cannon, Bat cave ball lock area, Speech from the movie
Batman The Dark Knight Stern Pinball 2008 Ramp diverts the ball to the batmobile bridge or an upper mini-playfield
Batman, Class of 1812 Kendo 1991 French distributor flyer promoting multiple games
Batter Up Chicago Coin 1958 Pitch-n-bat, 'Lite O Matic' animation of ball being pitched
Batting Practice Bally 1959 Pitch-n-bat, See also Bally's 1959 'Targets', a similar replay game
Batting Practice Irving Kaye 1968 Pitch-n-bat, Newer version of Scientific's 'Batting Practice'
Baywatch Sega 1995 Dot Matrix Display, at 192x64 pixels, is larger than standard
Baywatch Sega 1995 German version flyer
Bazaar Bally 1966 The first machine to use zipper flippers, Invented by Ted Zale
Be Bop Exhibit 1950 Two flipper-like bumpers on lower playfield are stationary and do not flip
Beach Games Rally 1962 Second machine produced by Rally
Beat The Clock Bally 1985 Machine works by timed play rather than number of balls
Beat The Clock Bally 1985 German version flyer
Beat The Clock Williams 1963 Backbox animation (clock hand advances)
Beat Time Williams 1967 Based on the popularity of the Beatles, "Meet the Bootles"
Beatles Diamond Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Diamond edition flyer
Beatles Gold Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Gold edition flyer
Beatles Gold Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Chinese version flyer
Beatles Gold U.K Version Stern Pinball 2018 U.K version flyer, Oversized
Beatniks Chicago Coin 1967 Spelling BEATNIKS in backglass awards 1 replay and is a carry-over feature
Beauty Contest Bally 1960 One ball play on a 5 ball style playfield, No flippers
Beisbol Maresa 1971 Copy of Gottlieb's 1970 'Baseball'
Bell Ringer Gottlieb 1990 Redemption machine, Dispenses tickets, No flippers or bumpers
Bell Ringer/Nudge It Gottlieb 1990 Redemption machine, Dispenses tickets, No flippers or bumpers
Ben Hur Staal 1977 Most mechanical and playfield parts are copies of Gottlieb parts
Big Bang Bar Illinois Pinball 2007 Re-release of Capcom's 1996 'Big Bang Bar'
Big Bat Midway 1984 Pitch-n-bat, LED displays, Lighted bases, Squeeze trigger bat
Big Ben Segasa 1975 Licensed version of Williams 1975 'Big Ben'
Big Ben Williams 1975 Captive ball in playfield bagatelle, The backglass slides out sideways
Big Ben Williams 1954 Midget field at lower left of playfield, 1 flipper, 2 gobble holes
Big Brave Gottlieb 1974 2 player version of Gottlieb's 1974 'Big Indian'
Big Brave Maresa 1974 Copy of Gottlieb's 1974 'Big Brave'
Big Buck Hunter Stern Pinball 2010 Based on the popular Big Buck Hunter arcade video game
Big Casino Gottlieb 1961 Hitting a rollover lights corresponding card on backglass
Big Chief Williams 1965 2 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, Selector disc changes values of the playfield
Big Daddy Williams 1963 Early center of the playfield drop target
Big Day Bally 1964 First Bally 4 player with automatic ball lift
Big Deal Williams 1977 First use of a bank of drop targets on a Williams game
Big Deal Williams 1963 Backbox light animation (playing cards light up)
Big Dick Fabulous Fantasies 1997 Custom conversion of Williams 'Big Deal', 4 games were made
Big Flipper Chicago Coin 1970 2 player version of Chicago Coin's 1970 'Cowboy', Jumbo 5" flippers
Big Game Stern Electronics 1980 The first widebody game from Stern
Big Guns Williams 1987 Backbox animation (captive ball is shot into a bagatelle), 2 catapults
Big Hit Chicago Coin 1952 Compare playfield layout to Chicago Coin's 1952 'Whiz Kids'
Big Hit Chicago Coin 1962 Pitch-n-bat, 9 hanging targets, Missing a target ends game
Big Hit Gottlieb 1977 Three (cosmetic) versions of playfield produced by Gottlieb
Big House Gottlieb 1989 Has a "blow the bridge" feature to create a ramp for multi-ball mode
Big House Gottlieb 1989 German version flyer
Big Hunt A.M.I 1976 Backglass art is a copy of Bally's 1975 'Bow and Arrow'
Big Indian Gottlieb 1974 4 player version of Gottlieb's 1974 'Big Brave'
Big Inning Bally 1958 Pitch-n-bat, 2 player
Big Inning Bally 1947 Pitch-n-bat, Lights on playfield and backglass show players running bases
Big Jack Gottlieb 1968 Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1968 'Paul Bunyan'
Big Jack Gottlieb 1968 Italian version flyer
Big Kick Sega/Japan 1978 Japanese flyer, Original game design
Big League Chicago Coin 1965 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox light animation (players run bases)
Big League Chicago Coin 1975 Pitch-n-bat, Upright style cabinet
Big League Williams 1966 Pitch-n-bat, Game has 4 pitch types (Fast, Slow, Curve or Knuckle)
Big League Baseball Williams 1954 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
The Big Lebowski Dutch Pinball 2016 Estimates are that only 36 machines were produced out of the 300 promised
The Big Lebowski Dutch Pinball 2016 Pre-ordering will stop March 31, 2015
The Big Lebowski/Bride of Pinbot Dutch Pinball 2016 Cointaker postcard featuring The Big Lebowski and Bride Of Pinbot
Big Shot Gottlieb 1973 2 player version of Gottlieb's 1973 'Hot Shot'
Big Show Bally 1974 4-player version of this game is Bally's 1973 'Circus'
Big Space Journey Nihon Jidou Hanbaiki 0 Japanese, No flippers, 'Dai Uchuu Ryokou' means 'Big Space Journey'
Big Star Williams 1972 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1972 'Super Star'
Big Strike Williams 1966 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1966 'Hot Line'
Big Together Sega/Japan 1976 Japanese flyer, Original game design
Big Top Gottlieb 1964 Add-a-ball, Mechanical backbox animation
Big Top Wico 1977 Home model (non-commercial machine - no coins)
Big Top Wico 1977 U.K version flyer, Black & White
Big Town Playmatic 1978 Opening shot propels ball across playfield towards upper left lanes
Big Valley Bally 1970 German version flyer
Big Valley Bally 1970 The only Bally E.M pinball machine that has multi-ball and 3" flippers
Bike Race Sleic 1992 Double sided flyer
Bike Race Sleic 1992 Single sided flyer
Bingo Vaprel 0 Looks more like pinball than bingo so I added it :)
Bingo Bango Nasco 1951 Bingo Bango was a conversion of Gottlieb's 1950 'Just 21'
Black & Reed Inder 1975 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 2 slingshots, 5 standup targets, 1 kick-out hole
Black Belt Bally 1986 Also produced as Bally Midway's 1986 'Karate Fight'
Black Belt Zaccaria 1986 Not to be confused with Bally's 1986 'Black Belt'
Black Fever Playmatic 1980 CPU-controlled 8-track tape player provides some speech and disco music
Black Flag Playmatic 1973 The 4 player version of this game is Playmatic's 1975 'Black Flag'
Black Hawk Centro Matic S.A 1974 Known as 'Black Hawk' as well as 'Hawk Black'
Black Hole Gottlieb 1981 How to play flyer
Black Hole Gottlieb 1981 Gottlieb's 1st double level, 1st machine with reverse playfield
Black Hole Gottlieb 1981 Euro version flyer, Backglass has no infinity lights like U.S version
Black Jack Bally 1978 The 2 player EM version is Bally's 1977 'Black Jack'
Black Jack Williams 1960 Backglass and playfield are very similar to Williams 1960 '21'
Black Knight Williams 1980 Introduced 'magna-save', 1st machine with a two level playfield
Black Knight Williams 1980 6 page color flyer
Black Knight 2000 Williams 1989 2 page color flyer
Black Knight 2000 Williams 1989 4 page black & white flyer
Black Knight 2000 Williams 1989 German version flyer
Black Knight: Sword of Rage L.E Stern Pinball 2019 Limited edition flyer
Black Knight: Sword of Rage Prem. Stern Pinball 2019 Premium version flyer
Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro Stern Pinball 2019 Pro version flyer
Black Magic Recel 1980 1 player version (also made in a 4 player version)
Black Magic 4 Recel 1980 4 player version (also made in a 1 player version)
Black Pyramid Bally 1984 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 3 in-line drop targets, Swinging target
Black Rider Giuliano Lodola 1981 Similar to Williams 1980 'Black Knight'
Black Rose Bally 1992 Oscillating ball cannon fires at enemy ships
Black Rose Bally 1992 Shot map
Black Rose Cardona Pinball 2023 New Hardware/Software system for Bally's 1992 'Black Rose', 4" X 6" Postcard
Black Sheep Squadron Astro Games 1979 4 player solid state but uses E.M style chimes
Black Velvet Game Plan 1978 Cocktail table, Promoting a brand of liquor
Blackout Williams 1980 Similar playfield as Williams 1982 'Warlok'
Blackwater 100 Bally 1988 Each play begins with 3 ball multiball at the starting gate
Blackwater 100 Bally 1988 German version flyer
Blast Off Williams 1967 Add-a-ball version of 'Apollo', Backbox animation (bagatelle in backglass)
Blondie Chicago Coin 1956 Same playfield layout as Gottlieb's 1956 'Harbor Lites'
Bloody China/Wild Schütz Geiger 1980 3 Games-Bloody China/Wild Schütz/Stellar Airship, German conversion kits
Bloody Roller Playbar 1987 A habitrail circles bottom of playfield above flippers, Mechanical backbox animation
Blue Chip Sega/Japan 1976 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Blue Chip Williams 1976 Game is convertible between replay and add-a-ball operation
Blue Max Chicago Coin 1975 4 player version of Chicago Coin's 1975 'Red Baron'
Blue Note Gottlieb 1979 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1978 'Rock Star'
Blue Ribbon Bally 1965 Early production machines had coin slots on the lockdown bar
Blue Skies United 1948 2 flippers, 4 kick-out holes
BMX Bally 1982 No flyer produced, 8 X 10 promo photo
Bo Bo Williams 1961 One of the last games to use bulb scoring in the backglass
Bon Voyage Bally 1974 Complete Bon Voyage and win a free game by hitting the captive ball
Bonanza Gottlieb 1964 See the Cartwright family in the lower right corner in the backglass art
Bone Busters Gottlieb 1989 4 flippers, 4 ball multi-ball, Talking skeleton head topper
Bongo Bally 1964 2 player version of Bally's 1963 '3-In-Line'
Bongor Maresa 1975 Version of Gottlieb's 4 player 'Jungle'
Bonus Baseball United 1962 Pitch-n-bat, Mechanical backbox animation, United's last bat game
Boomerang Bally 1974 4 player version of Bally's 1975 'Flicker'
Bounty Hunter Gottlieb 1985 3 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, Digital sound but no speech
Bow And Arrow Bally 1975 Designer Norm Clark used this machine to test early solid state design
Bowl A Strike Williams 1965 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1965 'Lucky Strike', Backbox animation
Bowl O Bally 1970 The manufacturer made the backglasses in both crystal glass and Plexiglas
Bowling Champ Gottlieb 1949 2 reverse flippers, 9 static bumpers and 2 pop bumpers, No slingshots
Bowling Flipper Rally 1961 Victor Salmon, a partner in Alben Mfg. of France, brought this game to Rally
Bowling Queen Gottlieb 1964 Depicted in the backglass are 'Bowling Queen', 'Gaucho' and 'Flipper Clown'
Bram Stoker's Dracula Williams 1993 Under the playfield magnet levitates the ball across playfield
Breakshot Capcom 1996 E.M style, Scores appear as score reel numbers, Simulated chime sound
Bride of Pinbot 2.0 Dutch Pinball 2014 Upgrade kit for the Williams "The Machine: Bride of Pin·Bot"
Bride Of Pinbot 25th Anniversary Dutch Pinball 2017 Cointaker version flyer, Machine never went into production
Brite Star Gottlieb 1958 Backglass states 'Amusement Pinballs, as American as Baseball & Hot Dogs'
Bronco Chicago Coin 1964 On the flyer, the action ring is identified as the "Corral"
Bronco Gottlieb 1977 4 player version of Gottlieb's 1977 'Mustang'
Brunswick Home Pinball Brunswick/Briarwood 1978 Multi game flyer showing multiple home model pinball machines
Bubbles Pop WeChe 2017 Head to head pinball made in Taiwan
Buccaneer Gottlieb 1976 Replay version of 'Ship Ahoy', Italian version is 'High Seas'
Buccaneer Gottlieb 1948 Similar playfield as 'Barnacle Bill' but with 3 kick-out holes
Buck Rogers Gottlieb 1980 Based on the 1979 movie "Buck Rogers In The 25th Century" (and TV spinoff)
Buck Rogers Mambelli 1979 Conversion kit for Gottlieb's 1975 'Tiger'
Buckaroo Gottlieb 1965 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1965 'Cow Poke'
Buffalo Bill Gottlieb 1950 2 flippers, Oscillating ball shooter (turret shooter)
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball Bally 1990 Unique reversed mini playfield, Orange carrot flippers, No multi-ball
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball Bally 1990 German version flyer
Bullfight Bally 1965 Tuff-coat playfield, 7 mushroom bumpers
Bulls Eye Baseball Chicago Coin 1967 Pitch-n-bat, Ramp raises to shoot Bulls Eye target
Bulls Eye Big League Chicago Coin 1955 Pitch-n-bat, Backglass light animation (men move around bases)
Bullseye Gottlieb 1994 Redemption game not pinball, No flippers, Dispenses tickets
Bullseye 301 Grand Products 1986 Pinball conversion kit for early Bally solid state games
Bumper Bill Port 1977 1 player wedgehead
Bumper Pool Gottlieb 1969 Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1969 'Mini Pool'
Bus Stop Bally 1964 The two bonus systems carry over from player to player
Bus Stop Maresa 0 Playfield layout is almost identical to Bally's 1967 'Surfers'
Bushido Inder 1993 Bushido translated is 'art of the warrior'
Butterfly Sonic 1977 Polyurethene playfield, Flyer refers to drop targets as pop-up targets
Buttons And Bows Gottlieb 1949 'Buttons and Bows' was sung by Bob Hope in the movie 'The Pale Face'