Flyer Database

Flyer Manufacturer Year Comments
Daffie Williams 1968 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1968 'Doozie'
Daffy Derby Williams 1954 Backbox animation (galloping horses in backbox), Midget playfield
Daisy May Gottlieb 1954 4 flippers (note the unusual flipper arrangement)
Dakar Mr. Game 1988 Small video monitor in backbox, Unique cabinet
Dancing Centro Matic S.A 0 Mechanical backbox animation (silhouettes dance in the backglass)
Dancing Dolls Gottlieb 1960 Backbox animation (silhouettes dance), Last Gottlieb with bulb scoring
Dancing Lady Gottlieb 1966 Backbox animation (spinning ballerina), Carousel roto-targets
Dardos Maresa 0 Open-elbow inlanes allow ball to pass from inlane to outlane and vice-versa
Dark Shadow Nuova Bell Games 1986 New style cabinet, Also available as a kit
Darling Sega/Japan 1973 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Darling Williams 1973 2 player version of Williams 1973 'Jubilee'
Darts Williams 1960 First game designed by Steve Kordek for Williams
De Icer Williams 1949 Impulse flippers (either flipper button pulses both flippers simultaneously)
Deadly Weapon Gottlieb 1990 A simple design "Street level" game
Deadpool Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Limited edition flyer
Deadpool Premium Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Premium version flyer
Deadpool Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Pro version flyer
Deadpool Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2018 Chinese version flyer
Dealer 21 Williams 1953 Win replays by scoring 21, Drain lane between flippers
Dealer's Choice Williams 1974 4 player version of Williams 'Lucky Ace'. Similar playfield as 'High Ace'
Defender Williams 1982 Preceded by the hit video game of the same name
Delta Queen Bally 1974 Named after the US Historic Landmark "the Delta Queen"
Deluxe Baseball Midway 1962 Pitch-n-bat, Widebody, Playfield has ramp that moves up and down
Deluxe Baseball United 1960 Pitch-n-bat, A replay version of 'Yankee Baseball' with match feature
Deluxe Baseball Williams 1953 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Deluxe Baseball 1957 Williams 1957 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Deluxe Batting Champ Williams 1961 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Deluxe Fun Cruise Bally 1966 No flippers were used on this game but the slingshots are very powerful
Deluxe World Series Williams 1954 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Demolition Man Williams 1994 Widebody, Upright handles for flipper buttons, Magnetic ball lifter
Derby Centro Matic S.A 0 Similar playfield as Gottlieb's 1961 'Foto Finish'
Derby Day Gottlieb 1956 1 gobble hole, Single pop bumper below the 2 flippers
Derby Day Williams 1967 Shoot the playfield targets to get ponies in backbox across finish line
Devil Riders Zaccaria 1984 Backbox animation (a motorcycle performs loops)
Devils Dare Gottlieb 1982 Widebody, 1st system 80A game
Devils Dare Gottlieb 1982 How to play flyer
Dialed In Collectors Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 Collectors edition pre-production flyer
Dialed In Comic Book Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 12 page comic book
Dialed In Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 Limited edition flyer
Dialed In Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 KingPin Games limited edition flyer
Dialed In Standard Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 KingPin Games standard edition flyer
Dialed In Standard Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2017 Standard edition flyer
Diamond Jack Gottlieb 1967 Postcard, Add-a-ball version of 'King of Diamonds', Italian version is 'Solitaire'
Diamond Lady Gottlieb 1988 Introduced a new backbox design with extended side panels
Diamond Lady Gottlieb 1988 German version flyer
Diamond Lill Gottlieb 1954 2 kick-out holes, Center horseshoe around a pop bumper, Reverse flippers
Diamond Plate Playfields Williams 1988 Promo for Diamond Plate playfields, WPC system and Mylar letterhead
Dimension Gottlieb 1971 Postcard, Add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1971 '2001'
Diner Williams 1990 Backbox animations (clock hands count time & diners bobble when shaken)
Ding Dong Williams 1968 Replay version of Williams 1968 'Smarty'
Ding Dong M.A.M 1970 Manufactured by Manufacturas Automaticas Americanas of Barcelona
Dinosaur Eggs Alvin G. and Company 1993 Redemption game; not a pinball, Dispenses tickets
Dipsy Doodle Sega/Japan 1970 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Dipsy Doodle Williams 1970 4 player version of Williams 1971 'Doodle Bug'
Dirty Harry Williams 1995 Moving 44 Magnum on playfield shoots pinballs at targets
Dirty Harry Williams 1995 German version flyer
Disco Stern Electronics 1977 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 2 rollunder spinners
Disco 79 Allied Leisure 1979 Cocktail table, same playfield layout as Allied Leisure's 'Hearts Spades'
Disco Fever Williams 1978 Based on the movie 'Saturday Night Fever', Banana flippers
Disco Fever/Close Encounters Williams-Gottlieb 1978 Multi game flyer from French distributor Sovoda
Discotek Bally 1965 New triple flippers, An upper "lonely" flipper was added
Disk Jockey Williams 1952 Combination bingo machine and pinball
Dixieland Bally 1968 Zipper flippers, The playfield references Basin Street in New Orleans
Doctor Who Bally 1992 Based on the British science fiction T.V show
Doctor Who Bally 1992 Shot map
Doctor Who Bally 1992 German version flyer
Dodge City Gottlieb 1965 Backbox animation (cowboy dances), Projection roto unit under playfield
Dogies Bally 1968 A special version was produced for Germany
Dogies Bally 1968 German version single sided flyer
Dogies Bally 1968 German version double sided flyer
Dolly Marvel 1947 The first flipper game made by Marvel
Dolly Parton Bally 1979 Dolly Parton kept changing her mind about her image on the backglass
Dolphin Chicago Coin 1974 2 player version of Chicago Coin's 1974 'Showtime'
Dolphin Chicago Coin 1974 Alternate version flyer with black accent color instead of blue
Domino Gottlieb 1968 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1968 'PlayMates'
Domino Williams 1952 Williams wanted to name it 'Mardi Gras' but Genco already used that name
Domino Maresa 0 Copy of Gottlieb's 1968 'Domino'
Don Quijote Recel 1979 The same company made a domestic version as Petaco's 'D. Quijote'
Dona Elvira 2 Sleic 1996 The playfield layout is the same as Playmatic's 1979 'Party'
Doodle Bug Sega/Japan 1971 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Doodle Bug Williams 1971 Replay version of 'Love Bug', 1 player version of 'Dipsy Doodle'
Doozie Williams 1968 Replay version of Williams 1968 'Daffie'
Double Action Gottlieb 1958 Similar playfield as Gottlieb's 1959 'Miss Annabelle'
Double Barrel Williams 1961 Swinging target (the ball kickers propel ball to the swinging target)
Double Feature Gottlieb 1950 This game introduced the "kicking rubber" feature
Double Header Williams 1950 Pitch-n-bat / Shuffle, first game with a horizontal running man unit
Double Play Williams 1965 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases), Flyer shaped like glove
Double Shuffle Gottlieb 1949 Backglass light animation (puck moves across shuffleboard)
Dr. Dude Bally 1990 Most Dr. Dudes are System 11C; only about 100 are WPC Alpha-numeric
Dracula Stern Electronics 1979 Also manufactured in Australia under license as LAI's 1979 'Dracula'
Dragon Gottlieb 1978 Also made in a 4 player E.M version
Dragon Interflip 1977 4 player version of Recreativos Franco's 1977 'Dragoon'
Dragon Interflip 1977 German version flyer
Dragonette Gottlieb 1954 Humorous take off of the T.V show Dragnet
Dragonfist Stern Electronics 1982 Capitalized on the popularity of the Bruce Lee kung fu craze
Dragoon Recreativos Franco 1977 1 player version of Interflip's 1977 'Dragon'
Drained Multimorphic 2021 Kit game for Multimorphic machines
Dreamy Williams 1950 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 3 kick-out holes, Tilt penalty is ball in play
Drop A Card Gottlieb 1971 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1972 'Pop-A-Card'
Drop A Card Petaco 0 See Gottlieb's 1971 'Drop A Card'
Duette Deluxe Gottlieb 1955 Same game as 'Duette' but in a different style cabinet
Dungeons & Dragons Bally 1987 Magic Save - similar to flex save on Bally's 1987 'Hardbody'
Duotron Gottlieb 1974 2 player version of Gottlieb's 1974 'Magnotron'
Dyn O Mite Allied Leisure 1975 2 player version of Allied Leisure's 1975 'Rock On'
Miss World/Dark Rider/Lady Death Geiger 1983 Conversion kits for Bally's Kiss, Star Trek & Mata Hari