Showing 173 Results

Flyer Manufacturer Year Comments
The Flipper Game Petaco 1980 Petaco's domestic version, Recel made export version with the same name
The Flipper Game Recel 1980 Recel's export version, Petaco made domestic version with the same name
Looney Tunes/Texas Chainsaw Spooky Pinball 2023 Looney Tunes/Texas Chainsaw Massacre combo flyer
LOTR/RBION/TSPP Stern Pinball 2004 Lord of the Rings, Ripley's Believe it or Not, The Simpsons Pinball Party
T.V. Flipper Midway 1975 A T.V game with all the excitement of pinball ..... NOT
Tag Team Gottlieb 1985 Designer John Trudeau said the flyer was edited to cover up one of the wrestlers
Tag Team NSM/Lowen 1986 This game was available as both a complete pinball machine and as a kit
Tahiti Maresa 0 Copy of Gottlieb's 1962 'Tropic Isle'
Take Five Allied Leisure 1978 Cocktail table, Similar playfield as Fascination's 1977 'Entertainer'
Tales From The Crypt Data East 1993 Auto-plunger shaped like door-handle with head of crypt-keeper
Tales Of The Arabian Nights Williams 1996 The inlane has a "cage" that encircles the ball and stops it from exiting the outlane
Tales Of The Arabian Nights Williams 1996 German version 4 sided flyer
Tales Of The Arabian Nights Williams 1996 German version 2 sided flyer
Tampico United 1949 United referred to the flippers as control kickers
Target Alpha Gottlieb 1976 First Gottlieb game convertible from replay to add-a-ball
Target Gallery Midway 1962 Pitch-n-bat, Flyer used on episode 27 of American Pickers
Target Pool Gottlieb 1969 Replay version of 'Mini Pool', Italian version is 'Bumper Pool'
Target Pool Maresa 0 Copy of Gottlieb's 1969 'Target Pool'
Targets Bally 1959 Pitch-n-bat type game but with shooting gallery theme
Taxi Williams 1988 Artwork was changed to be a darker-haired 'Lola', a likeness of no one famous
Taxi Williams 1988 Marilyn Monroe version; had to be changed due to copyright infringement
Taxi Williams 1988 German version flyer
Teachers Pet Williams 1965 A gap exists between the flipper and the slingshot preventing cradling the ball
Team One Gottlieb 1977 Postcard, Add-a-ball version of 'Abra Ca Dabra', Italian add-a-ball is 'Kicker'
Tee'd Off Gottlieb 1993 Animated (motorized) gopher topper
Tee'd Off Gottlieb 1993 Japanese version distributed by SAMMY
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Data East 1991 Whirlwind spinner, The 'Sewer' manhole cover pops up from the playfield
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Data East 1991 German version flyer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles L.E Stern Pinball 2020 Limited edition flyer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Prem. Stern Pinball 2020 Premium version flyer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pro Stern Pinball 2020 Pro version flyer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pro Stern Pinball 2020 Chinese version flyer
Telecard Gottlieb 1949 Similar playfield as Gottlieb's 1949 'Gin Rummy'
Telecard Gottlieb 1949 Confidential advance distributor flyer
Temptation Sega/Japan 1976 Japanese flyer, Original game design
Ten Spot Williams 1961 The first game produced in Williams new "squared off" cabinet
Ten Stars Zaccaria 1976 Italian version, 1 player E.M, 2 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 4 drop targets
Ten Stars Zaccaria 1976 Operator-adjustable between replay and add-a-ball
Ten Stars Zaccaria 1976 Italian alternate version flyer
Ten Strike Classic Benchmark Games 2004 Reproduction of the original Williams 1958 'Ten Strike' bowler game
Ten Up Gottlieb 1973 Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1973 'King Pin'
Tenth Inning (10th Inning) Williams 1964 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Terminator 2 Williams 1991 Player controlled oscillating cannon, Gun grip ball shooter, Video mode
Terminator 2 Williams 1991 Promo flyer for an official limited edition T2 jacket
Terminator 2 Williams 1991 German version flyer, 4 page fold-out
Terminator 2 Williams 1991 Shot map
Terminator 2 Williams 1991 German version flyer
Terminator 2/Gilligan's Island/TMNT Kendo 1991 French distributor flyer promoting multiple games
Terminator 3 Stern Pinball 2003 Backbox with reciprocating cannon shoots ball horizontally at 5 targets
Terminator 3 Stern Pinball 2003 German version flyer
Test Fixture Flyer Gottlieb 1977 Gottlieb solid state bench test fixture flyer
Texan Alben 1960 Playfield is the same as Gottlieb's 1960 'Texan'
Texan Gottlieb 1960 Last 4 player woodrail produced by Gottlieb, John Wayne likeness?
Texas Maresa 0 1 player copy of the 2 player Gottlieb's 1969 'Wild Wild West'
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Spooky Pinball 2023 Based on the 1974 horror film "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
Texas Leaguer Keeney 1961 Pitch-n-bat, Console baseball game, Balls elevated to runway & released
Texas Ranger Gottlieb 1972 Italian version of the 2 player 'Lawman' and the 4 player 'Sheriff'
Theatre Of Magic Bally 1995 Magic trunk magnet levitates ball and makes it 'disappear' to start multi-ball
Theatre Of Magic Bally 1995 German version flyer
The 30'S Playmatic 1977 1 player version of Playmatic's 1977 'Speakeasy'
Thoro Bred Gottlieb 1965 First Gottlieb with the "Shoot Again" feature
Three Coins (3 Coins) Williams 1962 Large non-kicking rebound rubber between and below flippers
Three D (3 D) Williams 1958 Mirrored backglass with image that reveals during gameplay
Three Deuces Williams 1955 2 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 2 stand-up targets, 1 gobble hole
Three Hundred (300) Gottlieb 1975 4 player version of Gottlieb's 1975 'Top Score'
Three Hundred (300) Maresa 1976 Copy of the 4 player Gottlieb's 1975 '300'
Three In Line (3 In Line) Bally 1963 4 player version of Bally's 1964 'Bongo'
Three Jokers (3 Jokers) Williams 1970 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1970 'Straight Flush'
Three Musketeers Gottlieb 1949 A star-studded Hollywood movie was made in 1948
The Three Musketeers Rally 1964 Unlike the novel, the main characters in this backglass are all women
Thrill Chicago Coin 1948 Postcard, Lite-up scoring target in the center of playfield
Thunderbird Williams 1954 Left kicker loops ball to 4 kick-out holes which progressively advance ball
Thunderbirds Homepin 2018 First machine produced by this manufacturer
Thunderbirds Homepin 2018 Double sided flyer
Thunderbolt Allied Leisure 1976 Left and right outlane detour gates route the ball to the inlanes when open
Tic Tac Toe Williams 1959 Backbox animation (tic-tac-toe board), 2 gobble holes
Tiger Gottlieb 1975 Italian add-a-ball similar to 'Outer Space' and 'Orbit'
Tiger Woman I.D.I 1978 Conversion kit, Playfield similar to Gottlieb's 1977 'Jungle Princess'
Tim Buc Tu Williams 1956 Flippers described as "flash back kickers", 4 thumper bumpers
Time Bally 1977 Pinball article in 1977 made to look like Time magazine story
Time 2000 Atari 1977 Widebody, Left and right sets of flippers
Time Fantasy Williams 1983 This game used excess backboxes from the run of Williams' 1981 'Hyperball'
Time Line Gottlieb 1980 Widebody, Atomic tic-tac-toe, 4 flippers
Time Machine Data East 1988 Time travel through the 50's 60's & 70's, Stereo sound & chimes, Multi-ball
Time Machine Data East 1988 German version flyer
Time Machine Zaccaria 1983 Italian version, Playfield section lowers when ball lands in 'time hole'
Time Warp Williams 1979 Includes the image of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man on the backglass
Time Zone Bally 1973 The 4 player version of this game is Bally's 1972 'Space Time'
Times Square Williams 1953 The automatic flippers activate when balls land in the pockets
Timothy T C.E.A 1977 1st game made by C.E.A, Made in E.M and solid state
Title Fight Gottlieb 1990 Backbox animation (animated boxing characters in backbox)
Tivoli Gottlieb 1968 Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1968 'Fun Land'
TKO Gottlieb 1979 8 X 10 press photo, The last wedgehead game from Gottlieb
Tokyo Perfect Drift Quetzal Pinball 2018 Second game from Quetzal Pinball
Tokyo Perfect Drift Quetzal Pinball 2018 Alternate version flyer
Toledo Sega/Japan 1975 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Toledo Williams 1975 2 player version of Williams 1975 'Valencia'
Tom Tom Williams 1963 The 2 swinging targets swing back & forth in unison throughout game play
Tommy Data East 1994 More music than any other pinball with 21 hit songs, Flipper blinders
Tommy Data East 1994 German version flyer
Top Card Gottlieb 1974 Replay version of Gottlieb's 1974 'Royal Pair'
Top Hand Gottlieb 1973 Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb's 1974 'Capt. Card'
Top Hand Williams 1966 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1966 'Full House'
Top Hat Williams 1958 Wood rails with cigarette holder on left rail, Metal legs
Top Hit Midway 1964 Pitch-n-bat, 2 target levels, 2 alternating ramps raise and lower
Top Racer Recel 1976 1 player version of Recel's 1975 'Top Speed'
Top Score Gottlieb 1975 2 player version of Gottlieb's 1975 '300'
Top Secret Maresa 0 Playfield similar to Williams 1969 'Miss-O'
Top Speed Recel 1975 4 player version of Recel's 1976 'Top Racer'
Top Ten Chicago Coin 1975 2 player version of Chicago Coin's 1975 'Gold Record'
Tops Tournament Bump 'N Win Stern Pinball 2004 Tournament pinball system - TOPS, Elvis
Tops Tournament Bump 'N Win Stern Pinball 2004 Tournament pinball system - TOPS, Gary Stern cartoon on back
Tops Tournament Pinball System Stern Pinball 2002 Tournament pinball system - TOPS, Roller Coaster Tycoon & Playboy
Torch Gottlieb 1980 This game was called 'Decathlon' prior to production
Toreador Gottlieb 1956 Similar playfield as Bally's 1956 'Balls-A-Poppin'
Torpedo Recel 1976 1 player version of Recel's 1976 'Underwater'
Torpedo Alley Data East 1988 The man in the backglass originally wore tights for the photo
Total Nuclear Annihilation Spooky Pinball 2017 Early 80’s Bally influenced machine designed by Scott Danesi
Total Nuclear Annihilation Spooky Pinball 2017 KingPin Games version flyer
Totem Gottlieb 1979 An earlier example of asymmetrical flippers is Atari's 1978 'Middle Earth'
Totem Cedes S.A. 1966 Playfield layout is the same as Gottlieb's 1962 'Sunset'
Touch Inder 1973 2 flippers, 4 mushroom bumpers, 8 standup targets, 5 kick-out holes
Touchdown Gottlieb 1984 Developed at Mylstar but produced at Premier
Touchdown Williams 1967 Replay version of Williams 1967 'Kickoff'
Tournament Gottlieb 1955 2 reverse flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 4 passive bumpers, Gobble hole
Toy Story 4 L.E & C.E Jersey Jack Pinball 2022 Toy story 4 LE & CE combo flyer
Toy Story 4 Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2022 Limited edition flyer
Toy Story 4 RePlay Magazine Flyer Jersey Jack Pinball 2022 Toy Story 4 RePlay magazine cover flyer
Toy Story Collectors Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2022 Collectors edition flyer
Trade Winds Williams 1962 The game in the flyer has a square backbox not a reverse wedge head backbox
Trail Drive Bally 1970 Backbox animation (cowpuncher rises up and shoots to make wildcat spin)
Transformers Expo Stern Pinball 2011 Given out at the 2011 Pinball Expo before the regular flyer came out
Transformers Limited Edition Stern Pinball 2011 Limited edition flyer
Transformers Pro Edition Stern Pinball 2011 Based on the movie of the same name
Transformers Redemption Stern Pinball 2012 Redemption ticket dispenser that mounts to side of cabinet
Transformers The Pin Stern Pinball 2012 Home model (non-commercial machine - no coins) Red backbox
Transformers The Pin Stern Pinball 2012 Home model (non-commercial machine – no coins) Black backbox
Transporter Bally 1989 Left ramp accesses the space ship to lock balls for multi-ball
Travel Time Sega/Japan 1973 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Travel Time Segasa 1973 Licensed version of Williams 1973 'Travel Time'
Travel Time Williams 1973 Replay or extended play (timed) version of Williams 1973 'Summer Time'
Tri Zone Williams 1979 The Sample/test game has different playfield art than the production version
Trident Stern Electronics 1979 First flyer to mention the "Play-More Post", but their fourth game to have it
Trident Stern Electronics 1979 German version flyer
Trio Bally 1965 Also made an add-a-ball version for export to Italy
Triple Action Sega/Japan 1974 Japanese version, American game distributed by Sega / Japan
Triple Action Segasa 1974 Licensed version of Williams 1974 'Triple Action'
Triple Action Williams 1974 Replay version of Williams 1974 'Star Action'
Triple Strike Williams 1975 Ten rollover buttons on the playfield are arranged like a set of bowling pins
Triplets Gottlieb 1950 First Gottlieb to have the drop coin chute, replacing the coin slide mechanism
Tron The Legacy Stern Pinball 2011 Based on the movie, 3-D backglass
Tropic Fun Williams 1973 Add-a-ball version of Williams 1973 'Gulfstream'
Tropic Isle Gottlieb 1962 Backbox light animation (3 back-lit monkeys climb tree)
Truck Stop Bally 1988 The first game following the merger of Williams and Bally/Midway
Tumbleweed Exhibit 1949 3 flippers, A center playfield flipper could flip in both directions
Turf Champ Williams 1958 No point scoring in this game, the only goal is to get your horse to win
TV Baseball Chicago Coin 1966 Pitch-n-bat, Backbox animation (players run bases)
Twenty Four (24) Stern Pinball 2009 Based on the television show
Twenty Grand Williams 1952 2 flippers, 2 thumper bumpers, 9 trap holes
Twenty One (21) Williams 1960 Similar playfield as Williams 1958 'Club House'
Twilight Zone Bally 1993 Flipper magnets on mini playfield, Powerball, Gumball, Clock
Twin Bill Gottlieb 1955 2 flippers, 2 pop bumpers, 2 gobble holes
Twin Gain Recel 1977 The same company made a domestic version as Petaco's 1977 'Twin-Gain'
Twin Win Bally 1974 Launches the ball into play from between flippers to the spinning disc
Twinky Chicago Coin 1967 Probably referring to 'Twiggy' (Lesley Hornby), a popular British model
Twister Sega 1996 Fan mounted on top of backbox that starts/stops depending on the mode
Twister Sega 1996 German version flyer
Two In One (2 in 1) Bally 1964 Play high score & 21 at same time, Hold score feature, Mushroom bumpers
Two Thousand One (2001) Gottlieb 1971 Backbox light animation (completing drop targets lights 1 of 4 cards)
Two Thousand Two (2002) Maresa 1971 Replica of Gottlieb's 1971 '2001'
TX Sector Gottlieb 1988 Poster Flyer, Display panel moved toward top of backglass
TX Sector Gottlieb 1988 German version flyer
TX Sector/Secret Service/Cyclone Kendo 1988 French distributor flyer promoting multiple games