The Hobbit

Jersey Jack Pinball 2014

One of the finest examples of a movie integration into a pinball machine ever! Do you immediately attempt to wipe out Smaug? Or are you going to concentrate on reaching Erabor? Or will you attempt to work your way through the 31 modes? Audio and video are so well integrated into the game , the large screen suits this machine perfectly as there is so much information to be displayed.

When you hear the deep bass coming from Smaug the dragon, it goes right through you, you can almost feel the Smaug breathing down your neck. The 4 pop-up trolls will shake things up when they start popping up and down, as they attempt to change the trajectory of the ball. This machine is classified as “home use only” and has never been used in a commercial environment.

Limited Edition $10,995

limited edition image gallery
