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Pirates of the Caribbean pinball features exciting elements from the first movie, as well as the sequel Dead Man’s Chest. Generally acknowledged by pinball fans to be one of Stern Pinball’s finest! The playfield features many innovative mechanical features such as the sinking pirate ship, dead man’s chest and a spinning disc.
Players can shoot the ball at a mechanical pirate ship, with each hit, the ship lowers its sails and eventually sinks into the playfield, thus revealing a shot into the Kraken’s mouth. The player can then sink the ship, destroy the Kraken, and fight Davy Jones.
This machine is currently in storage awaiting restoration. We will post photos of the machine when the restoration is complete and the machine has entered our showroom. If you are interested in purchasing this title and would like to discuss having this machine restored sooner, please contact us. This machine is classified as “home use only” and has never been used in a commercial environment.
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